Friday, June 22, 2007

Daddy Bob update

Received this message from Melanie today:
Hello--quick note to you guys. Dad was to go home today--all tubes gone since yesterday. Yesterday had more pain and it concerned him. He did not feel that good, but then this morning was so excited that he was going to go home. Well, his WBC (white blood cell count) was up--sign of infection and he had some increase in pain in his LLQ LL abdomen, so they did some x-rays---showed some air in there, but not conclusive----so did a CAT scan and he has a leak. What size leak? No clue. Now (literally) doing a barium enema to decide the size of the leak---if very small, will try to give abx and allow to heal slowly. If not, then will reopen him and do a colostomy which he will have for 6-8 weeks. The hope there is that after the healing, he can then be closed and the colon sown back together.

Please continue to pray for them!

Kel and the three oldest are still at camp. Sage and I are holding our own here. We've had guests and more guests. We're pretty lonely and ready for the others to come home. They come back on Monday.

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