Monday, February 26, 2007

A Night With the Stars....

Tonight was the annual fifth grade field trip to the University constellation department. It is up on the mountain where we went with mom and dad and it was a beautiful view at night time. There were fancy huge powered telescopes and we saw several stars and planets. I only looked through one and saw Saturn. Great view! We had a crazy day because a friend was having surgery and are keeping two of their kids AND we had three other girls who came home with SAvannah to ride up the mountain with us AND the water was off! So, a house full of kiddo's and NO water! But, we made it through dinner and through the field trip. Malia babysat the boys while the rest of us went up the mountain. Everything was still intact when we got home. :>

My highlights turned out really blonde. Of course, my kids don't have any qualms about telling me (in front of all their friends) how much they hate it! Their dad seems to like it, though, and so do I. Savannah said, "Mom you look, older...I mean younger...well, different..." They don't like me to change my looks!

Counting down....only about 32 hours until our rendezvous! Can't wait!

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