Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This is what Ann wrote about today:
“Long story short ... Our small team planned to distribute gift bags to the entire bar girls in our city (over a period of time). But we had no budget to do so. Last night on our walk I told Joe, "I'm just going to be George Mueller and trust that if God wants us to give gift bags, then he'll provide the funds." This morning I woke up early and prayed again that God would provide the fund if this is something he wants us to pursue. Just before lunch, Joe walked over to my office with the news. We received a very substantial financial gift from a donor we've never met to address child exploitation in Thailand. Yes! God is still moving and working.”
Yes, I have numbly been moving forward in this. There are three of us and we laugh because two of us are introverts. The other one accused us of wanting to sit in the car while she delivered the bags. And, I will admit, at first I was tempted….but when I actually spoke to the girls, gave them the bags and told them that God loves them I didn’t want to go back to the car. I just wanted to sit down with them and talk.
Yesterday, we attended a seminar led by someone nearby who is involved in this type of work. (not this country) Afterwards, I was a bit overwhelmed and said, “God make it clear to us if you want to move forward.” Today, we found out about the gift given for this ministry. We have many requests but here are a few:
-Wisdom in how to move forward from here
-partners from this culture who want to work with us
-The right information we need to know so we can put together a strategy to reach these girls
Next week we meet with a lady who has been involved in this ministry in a different city. Thanks for praying!

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