It's hard to believe it's been almost a month since I last posted. I am sitting here in bed, not wanting to get up because it's cold out of the covers. I have on long pj's and sweater. I have to get up soon, because I want to hit the grocery store before the Sunday crowds do. I need to make sandwiches tonight for the annual MK Christmas cookie party. The kids will go to later this afternoon. We also may go to a baptism at the waterfall this morning since about 6 children from two families that are good friends are getting baptized this morning! It sure is going to be a cool baptism! Makes me shiver just thinking about it.
My allergies are awful and the only thing I can think is that I need to change my allergy meds. They are not working. Maybe I will try Singulair...which is the medicine the dr. recommended I try next. I find myself waking up angry because I feel awful.
It still doesn't seem like Christmas that much...I guess I'm still not that excited. Our homegroup is doing some fun Christmas Eve activities, so I need to try harder to get into the mood. We will be having a progressive dinner type activity with different activities at different homes. The main meal will be here and it will be Mexican. I haven't quite decided what it will be....probably taco's.
Kel took the boys to his favorite breakfast place. He seems to be addicted to it or something and feels like he must go there every morning. It is a hot chicken soup type thing. I imagine it is probably Freezing there! They went in the car and not the motorbike.
The girls are still sleeping as usual. Malia slept until 11:20 yesterday. I tend to think if we let her sleep late on weekend mornings she will be more rested at school during the week. I'm not sure Kelly agrees with me.
He is preparing for band practice this afternoon. There will be a Christmas carol fest at Grace on Tuesday evening and he is leading the music for that time. The girls will be helping him. Pray for them, I know Malia will say she doesn't want to do it but it will be such a blessing if she will do it. It will be the first such thing he has done at Grace and will be good for the girls.
Well, I guess I need to make myself get up now and get dressed. Merry Christmas!