Wednesday, April 4, 2007

House makeover

We continue to work on our home/decor/organization projects. We bought fabric for the girls rooms and I found fabric for my chair and made a decision about what sofa fabric I am going to use. We will take the girls fabric to the tailor in the next couple of days. We will try to send pictures of the finished projects when we get them completed. We have decided not to go away but to stay home and finish some of these projects as well as take breaks for swimming and eating out!

The boys are busy cleaning out their drawers and getting rid of things. Then, I will need to decide if I'm going to do the large garage sale at Grace in May. We have enough junk. It's just how much time do I want to spend organizing it to get rid of it? :>

In between times we are doing some shopping. The girls desperately need a couple of new outfits to wear when they are not in school. They will also need something to wear at the meetings this summer. I've pulled out some of Malia's old things for Sav to wear and we will see if they are a go. Before she wouldn't be caught dead in them (they are skorts!) but I think she is desperate! Ha. Neither of these two like to shop so it's not fun taking them to try on clothes. Yesterday, we were successful with getting Malia some tops but we still need one or two pairs of shorts and a pair of jeans (she's outgrown the ones she has although she doesn't think so) It's good for Malia that the tops are a bit longer than the style a few years back. IF we can last until summer (I'm not sure we can!) We might order some things for grandmother to bring back with her.

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