Friday, April 6, 2007

God Answers Prayer!

Today we painted a wall in Savannah's room and repainted a wall in the boys room. Yesterday, the boys cleaned out their room and (I think) emptied several of their drawers into a huge give-away box so we spent several hours this afternoon going through that box! There were lots of treasures....AND I have an organized box for the Grace garage sale if I decide to participate.

Tomorrow, we will paint the dining area/family room.

I have some baskets that I have put on top of the closets in my room. I'm thinking about filling them with my favorite books and really parring down the books. I want to get rid of the book corner in my room and make it a sitting area. We can take the couch that is downstairs (the landlords) up there when the new one arrives, IF I have the area cleaned out. I will also need to sell my desk. It's big and I never use it.

Malia is spending the night at a friends tonight. Yesterday we discussed the friendship issue...she lamented that she didn't have any friends. We discussed ways she could be a friend and then just spent some time praying about it. Today, she got a call from one of her classmates inviting her over. God does answer prayers! I hope she will get the connection!

I've done some surfing on the internet tonight some, looking back at Sage's orphanage and reading about the latest with adoptions in Ukraine. I've told Kelly that I have a hard time when I think about Sage's half-brother still back in the orphanage. I know there is no way we could go back and get him. The funds just aren't there, as well as the emotional energy it takes to go through the process. But, I can't help thinking about him. Pray that God will give him a Christian home and help us be able to connect them when the time comes.


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